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T-online chat (28.08.01)

-tweety:When did you start with the music?
-HIM: With this band we started in 1995.

-Ia_ville: You said recently in an Orkus interview that through the media people are only given a mask. How do you see that now? Which you can we experience in the chat?
-HIM:We wear no masks, compared to other bands. Linde has to wear a mask sometimes because the police is after him (laugh) for driving too fast.

-Rosenblatt:Hello Ville, what shall we specially look forward to in the new album(DS&BH)?
-HIM:The album came out yesterday, just go to a shop and listen to it yourself.

-NoAutograph:How do you prepare for the tour?
-HIM:We didnt really prepare. We had 5 days to rehearse. We tour Germany in September, the first concert is in Hamburg.

-LilyStoilova:Do you think fame has changed you? If so in what way?
-HIM:Were quite busy now, we have a lot more to do. We also have less time to go home and see our friends and families.

-tweety:How did you (Ville) get your style? (black clothes and so on)
-HIM:We make our own styling. No one tells us what we should wear.

-Ti-Chris:From where did you get the ideas for the new album?(DS&BH)
-HIM:From life in general. I (Ville) write the lyrics and the main structure of the songs, then Linde makes the guitar parts and so on.

-Lena:How long will the guys stay in Germany?
-HIM:We go home on Saturday. Then we go to Spain and Italy, where well give interviews etc.

-Gene_Simmons: In what way were you influenced by Ozzy Osbourne?
-HIM:We were also influenced by Gene Simmons, can that be the real one? (laugh) We were influenced by Ozzy too. My favorite hobby is to bite bats heads off, he did that too.

-Nikita:What does the symbol (heartagram) in Razorblade Romance mean?
-HIM:Its like the Ying Yang. We use it often.

Ia_ville:How did you decorate your house?
-HIM:Our houses are decorated with sofa and TV, we also have a carpet.

-NoAutograph:Will the songs be more rock on tour?
-HIM:We cant exactly repeat the album but that wouldnt make sense. It will be quite rock. We have the contrast between romantic songs and rock songs..

-tweety:How were you in school? Did you like going there?
-HIM:We had a long discussion about the school system recently. I (Mige) was quite good, no one would have thought right? I also never skipped classes. It was ok (Ville). That was a while ago.

-Gothicgirl:Hello guys! My question is: How did you like America? Are you planning more concerts there?
-HIM:TV was cool! We liked that a lot. Theres psychics on TV there, cool. About the tour well have to see how people react. Wed love to go on tour.

-Nina - 19:How did you get the name HIM?
-HIM:We got it from Black Sabbath. We were first called His Infernal Majesty, HIM is the abbreviation from that. But really HIM is just HIM. We moved on and are just HIM now.

-Laura:Hello HIM! Which are your favorite bands at the moment?
-HIM: Iggy Pop (Linde)

© him.hit.bg
Thanks to Mariana for permission:)

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