Chat with Ville Valo - 20.03.2003
Krone :Welcome Ville Valo, the frontman from HIM in the Krone a Live Chat!
Ville:Hi you all together, how are you doing?
Krone:Big thanx for your visit. How are you doing today?![20.03.2003](
Ville:I'm very happy.
Ville:I'm in love .......and sober.
marina12345:How long do you stay in Vienna?
Ville:Till tomorrow. P.S. evening
blackocean666:Hey Ville,which cigarette's brand do you smoke?
Ville:Malboro light.
devilsgirl666:do you play a gig in Vienna?
Ville:Next autumn, hopefully in November..
noora78:Are u happy about spring time coming up in Helsinki?
Ville:I haven't been in Helsinki for ages, but tomorrow evening I'll see how it looks there.
marsmachtmobil:And where are going today?
Ville:I'm gonna to the hotel, take a bath and read a book.
wickedboy:What does the heartagram means?
Ville:The heartagram stands for "Love Metal".
blackocean666:Ville, is "Gone with the sin" still your favourite song from HIM or do you've a new one??
Ville:I've got s new one "Sweet Pandemonium".
Krone:Early this morning the attacks to Irak have started. What do you say about this actuel situation??
Ville:Make love not war.
Krone:There are lots of questions about the tour and gigs. Is there a website where we can see all confirmed gigs?
Maja69:Which song from the new album is your favourite one?
Ville:Sweet Pandemonium.
ZaraTheFirst:When do you celebrate your birthday?
Ville:22 November 1976.
kuutamo666:Are you sastisfied with the new album?
Ville:Of course, I'm sastisfied, that the main reason why I'm so happy.
blackocean666:Do you often use the Internet? Do you like to surf?
Ville:I never surf and I don't have an internetconnection at home.
lepakko:Where do you have the cool jack skellington gloves from?
Ville:The gloves are a Christmas present from a friend in the USA.(Are they Bam's present??...-webmaster)
Pattyinfernale:Ville, which plans do you've for the future??
Ville:Getting home, get drunk and sleep very long.
Maja69:This is a new cool song... what was the reason why you've worked with Hiili again??
Ville:Which song?
blackocean666:Okay, a bit discreet but do you like groupies??
Ville:I've never seen them.
maytom:What do you think from Marilyn Manson??
Ville:I like his nose.
tapser:Why do use black make up around your eyes?
Ville:Because I love Marc Bolan!
Krone:Do you write all lyrix by yourself? What is your inspiration?
Ville:I write all song myself. My inspiration are bad horror movies from the 60's.
lepakko:We'd like to make a swiss HIM homepage, would you support this?
Ville:What do you need there for?
tapser:Do you've an idol? Music?
Ville:Johnny Cash.
tapser:this isn't a joke? Johny Cash? Where is your horse?
Ville:I'm allergic for horses but I love him really.
kleineblonde1:What the release date from the new album "Love Metal"?
Ville:14 April.
Maja69:Why do you've worked together with Hiili again?...... Just interested because the new songs rock and the new album is great..
Ville:Coz Hiili is cheap and we like Hiili.
wickedboy:That the heartagram means good and evil?
Ville:It's a combination from good music and worse art.
dyanne:When did you decide to make music?
Ville:It just happend....accidental.
venusintears:Please, answer my question. Are The 69 Eyes still an example and friends for HIM??
Ville:I've copied The 69 Eyes with clothes and yes we're still good friends.
lepakko:Well, we'd like to take as domain, would you allow this??
Ville:It's possible but send first an email to our website and we can arrange things.
noora78:What music are you listening to when you're at home?
Ville:I really like to listen to reggae music.
blackocean666:Do you like "Apocalyptica"?
Ville:They're good friends of us and on one of our first gigs we've played with them ( that was also their first gigs).
dyanne:You write your songs yourself. Do you write about your life?
Ville:All my songs are very personal.
tapser:Do you've a motor? Or isn't this a good hobby in cold Finland?
Ville:I don't have a drivers licence. I don't like cars, motors,planes...
tapser:And how do you travel then? Allergic for horses, fear for cars,planes,etc-do you walk?
Ville:I like to walk but from Finland to Vienna it's a bit too far to walk. I get drunk, get on the plane and then I'll see what will happen...
venusintears:How can you describe your new album? Is it like DS&BH or GLV 666??
Ville:It's a mixture from our 3 albums.
Krone:Do you play in Wiesen again?
Ville:Yes,on the 20th of June
noora78:We got at the gig in Hamburg "Love Metal" t- shirts. Are they the offiicial t-shirts?
Ville:These t- shirts were made exclusive for this gig. They aren't available anymore
Maja69:Do you play at some festivals in Germany?
Ville:Yes, hopefully. These dates aren't confirmed yet.
schnattchen:Can we expect soon a video from the song "Bury me deep inside your heart"?
Ville:No, we don't make vidoes for the songs from the old albums.
Maja69:Which band do you wanna have like a support band for the tour?
dyanne:Person question. How old are you?
6sk6in6:What's your favourite place?
Ville:My favourite place is my home.
maytom:Ever been yelled to you? When and where?
Ville:That kind has happened in Tampere. A black metal fan has spit me in my face. I laughed him out.
Maja69:What is your favourite band at the moment?
vivid:Which make -up brand do you use?
Ville:Whatever I get from my make-up artist
tapser:What do you drink before you fly? I've got also a fear of planes.
Ville:3 pint beer and 1 glass whiskey.
baerbel66:Have you already decided if the book will be translated in other languages?
Ville:I don't know. Won't be easy. Some stories can't be translated in other languages. Old stories and jokes,etc.
venusintears :Do you like to read and how often?
Ville:Sometimes, when I'm taking a bath. I like to read autobiography books..
marimaus01:How long do you wanna make music?
Ville:Till the day the music doesn't like me anymore.
Maja69:What instruments can you play?
Ville:every instrument but not good.
venusintears :Do you also wear make up when you go out?
Ville:Nope, I get a rash when I do that
marina12345 :Will there be a signing session in Vienna?
Ville:No,sorry not.
maytom:Which beer brand do you prefer?
Ville:Miller Highlife.
vivid :has someone already asked you why you use make up?
Ville:And when I don't use make up I look like ...??
TinaInfernale :Ville do you like children?
Ville:I was a child myself. If I like them? It depends on the child.
tapser:What about to sing a duet with Johnny Cash?
Ville:Would be wonderful but Johnny Cash doesn't like me.
lepakko:Ville is that true that your ancestors are from Hungary, do you speak or understand hungarian?
Ville:There's a little truth in this story,my mother's ancestors are from Hungary. But I don't speak any Hungarian.
kuutamo666 :Can you ask him if he knows Janne Ahone?
Ville:Yes, I know him very well. He's one of my best friends.
Maja69:Do you play also other instruments beside drums and gitar?
Ville:a little bit keyboard
sandra666:Which bars in Helsinki are your favourite ones?
Ville:"Lost & Found", "Corona", "Tavastia".
psy1980 :What would you like to do when you don't make music anymore?
Ville:I'm sure that I would become a Math professor.
Krone:Do you often see your family?
Ville:Only with Christmas....
angeloffire86 :Do you've a girlfriend?
Ville:Yes,i do.
blacky014 :What do you like to do most ?
Ville:Making music.
tapser :what's your next destination when you leave Vienna?
Ville:Going home and relax a few days.
kuutamo666 :Where did you meet Janne? Janne is from Lahti!
Ville:Lahti is only 120 kilometres from Helsinki. You can walk easily to this place.
wickedboy:Ville, do you have contact with Zoltan still?
Ville:Yes, now and then.
darkthomas :What do you think of Germany?
Ville:I like Warsteiner and the Reeperbahn.
Maja69 :Do you still drawn?
Ville:No, I'm not good in it.
sandra666 :Is the gig in London a big one? Will there be a signing session?
Ville:We will give autographs when the fans are polite. The gig will be held in Astoria. Don't know how big it will. Maybe for 2000 people..
psy1980:What country do you wanna visit?
Ville:Japan, I love sushi. I would like to eat fish and see if I'll survive.
maytom :Do you ski?
Ville:I've always liked to ski but I don't have the time for it anymore.
ZaraTheFirst :Ville Valo, where are the other guys? ( I mean Linde)
Ville:Linde is at home and takes care of his daughter who was born 1,5 week ago. Burton is demonstration in Helsinki against the war and I don't know what the other guys are doing at the moment.
schnattchen :Can you dance? Finnish dances?
Ville:No, I can't but in the 80's I could dance like Michael Jackson ( Moonwalk) but I can't anymore.
iFrauohneNamen:Ville is it right that you and the other guys are on 14.4. at Viva interaktiv?
Ville:Honestly I don't know yet.
Krone:Has it been always a wish dream to become a musician?
Ville:No, as child we've played as cowboys and indians and I always wanted to be an indian. This is valid for today. My biggest point is to become an indian. The best from the last Mohicans.
iFrauohneNamen:Lately we can see you only with a woolen hat? Is there a reason for it.?
Ville:Yes, I'm getting bald!
TinaInfernale :That's cool...can I polish your bald head? ?
Ville:It was a joke, the woolen hat I've got from my old keyboard player (Zoltan) It's my mascotte.
blackocean666 :Ville are you happy with your life or would you like to work again in a sex shop?
Ville:I'm not happy with my life but I never will work in a sexshop again.
kuutamo666 :What's the name of Linde's daughter?
Ville:She hasn't got a name yet.
tapser :How old were you in the 80's?
Ville:Between 4 and 14 years.
TinaInfernale :Why aren't you happy with your life?
Ville:the more I eat the more hunger I get.
blacky014 :Do you like Jackass Valo?
Ville:No not really. But the movie was okay
Krone:How does you favourite women looks like?
Ville:Like my girlfriend.
gloom :What is Zoltan doing at the moment? Anything musical?
Ville:He's playing in several bands and he's owns a bar with someone else in Helsinki.
kuutamo666 :Do you about marriage?
Ville:No, never. I hate rings.
devilsgirl666 :What's your favourite food? Do you like schnitzel ? Do you know schnitzel at all?
Ville:I've tried the schnitzel already but I don't like red meat. My favourite food is Thai food.
iFrauohneNamen :Ville, what kind of hobbies do you've beside music, drinking and smoking?
Ville:Making love.
venusintears :are you together again with the one who sang with you "Dont fear the Reaper?"
Ville:No, that girl from "Don't fear the reaper" is only a good friend from school.
cousinevonchristl :Who's your idol?
Ville:Elvis Presley.
Krone:When was the last time you had your holidays?And where have you been to?
Ville:1991 in Bangkok.
gloom :Is there on the new album also a duet?
Ville:No, no duets this time. It's getting boring. .
marimaus01 :Which song will be release after Funeral of Hearts?
Ville:We don't know yet. Maybe The Sacrament or another one.
marina12345 :Will you be at the ski jumping this weekend in planica?
Ville:I love to be there but I don’t have time for it.
blacky014 :Do you’ve any pets?
Ville:Yes, my girlfriend and my band members
TinaInfernale :How do you smell?
Ville:Bad, I don’t wash myself often. My skin is too dry for it.
tunrida :Do you play this year in Switzerland?
Ville:Yes, we’ll play at a festival but nothing has been confirmed yet. Maybe a club gig in November.
baerbel66 :What person do you wanna know better?
Ville:I would like to known myself better.
vivid :Your favourite colour is black?
Ville:No my favourite colour is magenta.
tapser :With which famous person would you like to eat this poison japanese fish??
Ville:With Madonna – that would be like Romeo & Julia
Krone:Time flies fast and we would to thank Ville Valo for his visiting to chat. We wish you lots of success on your gigs and futher projects. Hope to see you soon!
Ville:Thanks and I hope to see you all at our gig!!
Thanks to Pascalle for translating and sending of this chat!