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Chat with Ville Valo - 20.03.2003

Krone :Welcome Ville Valo, the frontman from HIM in the Krone a Live Chat!
Ville:Hi you all together, how are you doing?
Krone:Big thanx for your visit. How are you doing today?20.03.2003
Ville:I'm very happy.
Ville:I'm in love .......and sober.
marina12345:How long do you stay in Vienna?
Ville:Till tomorrow. P.S. evening
blackocean666:Hey Ville,which cigarette's brand do you smoke?
Ville:Malboro light.
devilsgirl666:do you play a gig in Vienna?
Ville:Next autumn, hopefully in November..
noora78:Are u happy about spring time coming up in Helsinki?
Ville:I haven't been in Helsinki for ages, but tomorrow evening I'll see how it looks there.
marsmachtmobil:And where are going today?
Ville:I'm gonna to the hotel, take a bath and read a book.
wickedboy:What does the heartagram means?
Ville:The heartagram stands for "Love Metal".
blackocean666:Ville, is "Gone with the sin" still your favourite song from HIM or do you've a new one??
Ville:I've got s new one "Sweet Pandemonium".
Krone:Early this morning the attacks to Irak have started. What do you say about this actuel situation??
Ville:Make love not war.
Krone:There are lots of questions about the tour and gigs. Is there a website where we can see all confirmed gigs?
Ville:Yes, www.heartagram.com
Maja69:Which song from the new album is your favourite one?
Ville:Sweet Pandemonium.
ZaraTheFirst:When do you celebrate your birthday?
Ville:22 November 1976.
kuutamo666:Are you sastisfied with the new album?
Ville:Of course, I'm sastisfied, that the main reason why I'm so happy.
blackocean666:Do you often use the Internet? Do you like to surf?
Ville:I never surf and I don't have an internetconnection at home.
lepakko:Where do you have the cool jack skellington gloves from?
Ville:The gloves are a Christmas present from a friend in the USA.(Are they Bam's present??...-webmaster)
Pattyinfernale:Ville, which plans do you've for the future??
Ville:Getting home, get drunk and sleep very long.
Maja69:This is a new cool song... what was the reason why you've worked with Hiili again??
Ville:Which song?
blackocean666:Okay, a bit discreet but do you like groupies??
Ville:I've never seen them.
maytom:What do you think from Marilyn Manson??
Ville:I like his nose.
tapser:Why do use black make up around your eyes?
Ville:Because I love Marc Bolan!
Krone:Do you write all lyrix by yourself? What is your inspiration?
Ville:I write all song myself. My inspiration are bad horror movies from the 60's.
lepakko:We'd like to make a swiss HIM homepage, would you support this?
Ville:What do you need there for?
tapser:Do you've an idol? Music?
Ville:Johnny Cash.
tapser:this isn't a joke? Johny Cash? Where is your horse?
Ville:I'm allergic for horses but I love him really.
kleineblonde1:What the release date from the new album "Love Metal"?
Ville:14 April.
Maja69:Why do you've worked together with Hiili again?...... Just interested because the new songs rock and the new album is great..
Ville:Coz Hiili is cheap and we like Hiili.
wickedboy:That the heartagram means good and evil?
Ville:It's a combination from good music and worse art.
dyanne:When did you decide to make music?
Ville:It just happend....accidental.
venusintears:Please, answer my question. Are The 69 Eyes still an example and friends for HIM??
Ville:I've copied The 69 Eyes with clothes and yes we're still good friends.
lepakko:Well, we'd like to take www.heartagram.com as domain, would you allow this??
Ville:It's possible but send first an email to our website and we can arrange things.
noora78:What music are you listening to when you're at home?
Ville:I really like to listen to reggae music.
blackocean666:Do you like "Apocalyptica"?
Ville:They're good friends of us and on one of our first gigs we've played with them ( that was also their first gigs).
dyanne:You write your songs yourself. Do you write about your life?
Ville:All my songs are very personal.
tapser:Do you've a motor? Or isn't this a good hobby in cold Finland?
Ville:I don't have a drivers licence. I don't like cars, motors,planes...
tapser:And how do you travel then? Allergic for horses, fear for cars,planes,etc-do you walk?
Ville:I like to walk but from Finland to Vienna it's a bit too far to walk. I get drunk, get on the plane and then I'll see what will happen...
venusintears:How can you describe your new album? Is it like DS&BH or GLV 666??
Ville:It's a mixture from our 3 albums.
Krone:Do you play in Wiesen again?
Ville:Yes,on the 20th of June
noora78:We got at the gig in Hamburg "Love Metal" t- shirts. Are they the offiicial t-shirts?
Ville:These t- shirts were made exclusive for this gig. They aren't available anymore
Maja69:Do you play at some festivals in Germany?
Ville:Yes, hopefully. These dates aren't confirmed yet.
schnattchen:Can we expect soon a video from the song "Bury me deep inside your heart"?
Ville:No, we don't make vidoes for the songs from the old albums.
Maja69:Which band do you wanna have like a support band for the tour?
dyanne:Person question. How old are you?
6sk6in6:What's your favourite place?
Ville:My favourite place is my home.
maytom:Ever been yelled to you? When and where?
Ville:That kind has happened in Tampere. A black metal fan has spit me in my face. I laughed him out.
Maja69:What is your favourite band at the moment?
vivid:Which make -up brand do you use?
Ville:Whatever I get from my make-up artist
tapser:What do you drink before you fly? I've got also a fear of planes.
Ville:3 pint beer and 1 glass whiskey.
baerbel66:Have you already decided if the book will be translated in other languages?
Ville:I don't know. Won't be easy. Some stories can't be translated in other languages. Old stories and jokes,etc.
venusintears :Do you like to read and how often?
Ville:Sometimes, when I'm taking a bath. I like to read autobiography books..
marimaus01:How long do you wanna make music?
Mige is my pet!Did you know that? Ville:Till the day the music doesn't like me anymore.
Maja69:What instruments can you play?
Ville:every instrument but not good.
venusintears :Do you also wear make up when you go out?
Ville:Nope, I get a rash when I do that
marina12345 :Will there be a signing session in Vienna?
Ville:No,sorry not.
maytom:Which beer brand do you prefer?
Ville:Miller Highlife.
vivid :has someone already asked you why you use make up?
Ville:And when I don't use make up I look like ...??
TinaInfernale :Ville do you like children?
Ville:I was a child myself. If I like them? It depends on the child.
tapser:What about to sing a duet with Johnny Cash?
Ville:Would be wonderful but Johnny Cash doesn't like me.
lepakko:Ville is that true that your ancestors are from Hungary, do you speak or understand hungarian?
Ville:There's a little truth in this story,my mother's ancestors are from Hungary. But I don't speak any Hungarian.
kuutamo666 :Can you ask him if he knows Janne Ahone?
Ville:Yes, I know him very well. He's one of my best friends.
Maja69:Do you play also other instruments beside drums and gitar?
Ville:a little bit keyboard
sandra666:Which bars in Helsinki are your favourite ones?
Ville:"Lost & Found", "Corona", "Tavastia".
psy1980 :What would you like to do when you don't make music anymore?
Ville:I'm sure that I would become a Math professor.
Krone:Do you often see your family?
Ville:Only with Christmas....
angeloffire86 :Do you've a girlfriend?
Ville:Yes,i do.
blacky014 :What do you like to do most ?
Ville:Making music.
tapser :what's your next destination when you leave Vienna?
Ville:Going home and relax a few days.
kuutamo666 :Where did you meet Janne? Janne is from Lahti!
Ville:Lahti is only 120 kilometres from Helsinki. You can walk easily to this place.
wickedboy:Ville, do you have contact with Zoltan still?
Ville:Yes, now and then.
darkthomas :What do you think of Germany?
Ville:I like Warsteiner and the Reeperbahn.
Maja69 :Do you still drawn?
Ville:No, I'm not good in it.
sandra666 :Is the gig in London a big one? Will there be a signing session?
Ville:We will give autographs when the fans are polite. The gig will be held in Astoria. Don't know how big it will. Maybe for 2000 people..
psy1980:What country do you wanna visit?
Ville:Japan, I love sushi. I would like to eat fish and see if I'll survive.
maytom :Do you ski?
Ville:I've always liked to ski but I don't have the time for it anymore.
ZaraTheFirst :Ville Valo, where are the other guys? ( I mean Linde)
Ville:Linde is at home and takes care of his daughter who was born 1,5 week ago. Burton is demonstration in Helsinki against the war and I don't know what the other guys are doing at the moment.
schnattchen :Can you dance? Finnish dances?
Ville:No, I can't but in the 80's I could dance like Michael Jackson ( Moonwalk) but I can't anymore.
iFrauohneNamen:Ville is it right that you and the other guys are on 14.4. at Viva interaktiv?
Ville:Honestly I don't know yet.
Krone:Has it been always a wish dream to become a musician?
Ville:No, as child we've played as cowboys and indians and I always wanted to be an indian. This is valid for today. My biggest point is to become an indian. The best from the last Mohicans.
iFrauohneNamen:Lately we can see you only with a woolen hat? Is there a reason for it.?
Ville:Yes, I'm getting bald!
TinaInfernale :That's cool...can I polish your bald head? ?
Ville:It was a joke, the woolen hat I've got from my old keyboard player (Zoltan) It's my mascotte.
blackocean666 :Ville are you happy with your life or would you like to work again in a sex shop?
Ville:I'm not happy with my life but I never will work in a sexshop again.
kuutamo666 :What's the name of Linde's daughter?
Ville:She hasn't got a name yet.
tapser :How old were you in the 80's?
Ville:Between 4 and 14 years.
TinaInfernale :Why aren't you happy with your life?
Ville:the more I eat the more hunger I get.
blacky014 :Do you like Jackass Valo?
Ville:No not really. But the movie was okay
Krone:How does you favourite women looks like?
Ville:Like my girlfriend.
gloom :What is Zoltan doing at the moment? Anything musical?
Ville:He's playing in several bands and he's owns a bar with someone else in Helsinki.
kuutamo666 :Do you about marriage?
Ville:No, never. I hate rings.
devilsgirl666 :What's your favourite food? Do you like schnitzel ? Do you know schnitzel at all?
Ville:I've tried the schnitzel already but I don't like red meat. My favourite food is Thai food.
iFrauohneNamen :Ville, what kind of hobbies do you've beside music, drinking and smoking?
Ville:Making love.
venusintears :are you together again with the one who sang with you "Dont fear the Reaper?"
Ville:No, that girl from "Don't fear the reaper" is only a good friend from school.
cousinevonchristl :Who's your idol?
Ville:Elvis Presley.
Krone:When was the last time you had your holidays?And where have you been to?
Ville:1991 in Bangkok.
gloom :Is there on the new album also a duet?
Ville:No, no duets this time. It's getting boring. .
marimaus01 :Which song will be release after Funeral of Hearts?
Ville:We don't know yet. Maybe The Sacrament or another one.
marina12345 :Will you be at the ski jumping this weekend in planica?
Ville:I love to be there but I don’t have time for it.
blacky014 :Do you’ve any pets?
Ville:Yes, my girlfriend and my band members
TinaInfernale :How do you smell?
Ville:Bad, I don’t wash myself often. My skin is too dry for it.
tunrida :Do you play this year in Switzerland?
Ville:Yes, we’ll play at a festival but nothing has been confirmed yet. Maybe a club gig in November.
baerbel66 :What person do you wanna know better?
Ville:I would like to known myself better.
vivid :Your favourite colour is black?
Ville:No my favourite colour is magenta.
tapser :With which famous person would you like to eat this poison japanese fish??
Ville:With Madonna – that would be like Romeo & Julia
Krone:Time flies fast and we would to thank Ville Valo for his visiting to Krone.at-live chat. We wish you lots of success on your gigs and futher projects. Hope to see you soon!
Ville:Thanks and I hope to see you all at our gig!!

Thanks to Pascalle for translating and sending of this chat!

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