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Interview with Linde

This interview is published with the kind permission of http://www.lindelovers.tk

About the family:
1. How are Manna and little Olivia?

Olivia is finally letting us sleep so we are no longer that tired. It's a very exciting time cause babies her age are developing very fast so there is always something wonderful going on. Olivia wakes up smiling every morning, she is always on a good mood( well almost always). She is nearly five months now so she is having a little bit of solid food already. She is trying hard to get up and she also sings and laughs a lot and we've had many interesting conversations too.

2. The whole new touring thing of doing several gigs in a row in one city, does that have anything to do with your daddy-ness?

No it doesn't, we just got bored with the cold icehockey arenas that we did last time so we wanted to play in smaller venues instead that are really meant for concerts this time around and if the ticket sales are good, we might have to add a few nights here and there if necessary. And in October we will be playing in big arenas anyway because of the Ozzy tour so its gonna be refreshing. But the touring schedules as well as everything else in this "business" tend to change all the time so its better to think the way that we will be playing somewhere when the time is right.

3. How do you feel like a father now, as some time has passed, and is this fatherhood thing going to change your attitude towards life? Perhaps it already has? In that case, in what way?

Being a father has really been a positive experience for me. It's great to know that I'm needed. it gives a special meaning to my life that I didn't have before. It has also restored my faith in human beings in general, I used to just hate everybody, now I might even give people a chance, sometimes. Almost everyone at some stage of their life plays with the idea of committing suicide as the last option or something. Having children takes away that option. For me fatherhood has been very rewarding and I'd recommend it for everyone. If I'm feeling down for some reason, all it takes is one teethless smile and I have already forgotten the problem, whatever it was.

About playing, songs and fans:

4. What was your first thought when you heard that you have a fanclub and that they would like to make an interview with you?

I was surprised and thought, why not ?

5. What makes you laugh in the intro of your song "International P- lover"?

I think I was supposed to be singing something but I was too hysterical and tired so I just started to laugh and when I heard my laughter from the speakers, it made me laugh even more and I just couldn't stop. The moaning was added afterwards and so the hideous work of art was complete.

6. Despite what we all have heard previously, that it's unlikely there will ever be a continuation of Daniel Lioneye; would you ever consider a special one-off mini DL tour? What exactly would it take for you to do that?

Never say never, but a Daniel Lioneye tour would require a certain state of mind that I wouldn't want to be in. At least not at the moment.

7. In the song "Never been in love" you say "Rock'n'roll is gonna keep me alive". Do you really believe this? What keeps you alive?

Danny is just a silly drunk who likes to boast, you shouldn't take him too seriously.

8. Why do you play the guitar on stage with your eyes closed?

Oh my god, I have been getting emotional again. I will put an end to it, I promise.

9. Do you consider your guitar as something "sacred"?

The guitar itself is just a piece of wood and wire, the person playing it can decide how sacred are the notes coming out of it. I try to make my playing mean something to me, sometimes I succeed, other times I don't.

10. In many of your songs (Daniel Lioneye) you sing about drugs and such. Do you take any drugs?

I have taken some drugs in my past just to notice that it isn't my thing. The only drug that I have really gotten into trouble with is alcohol but I don't drink that much either nowadays. I think that hanging around in bars getting wasted with alcohol or drugs is the most boring way to spend your life. I know because I have been there. Nothing ever really happens, its always the same. For me the "funny" drug related DL lyrics are just a way to get over a certain tragedy in my life which I don't want to discuss now any further. The words are not in any way meant to encourage anyone to play with drugs. Its a very dangerous game.

11. How do you feel being approached by fans? Are there any do's and don't's?

I don't mind if someone asks for an autograph or wants to take a picture. But when there are too many hysterical people screaming and ripping your clothes and hair it can get quite frightening.

12. Some people think that you find fans scary, do you?

Well, some of them are, some of them are not. Some people are nice, some people are not. I know how it feels to really admire someone but I also know how to behave and respect people.

13. What do you think about the fact that a small hard core group of fans finds your voice extremely erotic? ;)

"Erotic" isn't a word that first comes to my mind when I think of my voice. That group must be a really small one. And really hardcore.

Other questions:

14. What do you think about this "shy guy" image you have? How true is it?

I just hate the word image, I would never bother to keep an image of some sort, I'm not that desperate. I am shy.

15. How interested are you in a) sports, b) politics and c) travels?

a) not very interested, b) depends on the issue, c) travelling is interesting if you can decide where you're going and have time to look around.

16. What are the most important things in your life? Why?

As you might have already noticed, my family is very important to me, its a great feeling to discover that you belong somewhere. Music is the only thing that I know anything about and I have a desire to be in contact with it one way or the other. Anyway, its important to take life as it comes.

17. What are you craving for nowadays?

I try not to crave too much for anything. Craving has never got me anywhere good.

18. Do you ever pray, and if so for what?

I wouldn't call it praying but usually before I go to sleep I focus my thoughts around the creatures that are important to me and I wish them all good and I try to be grateful for what I have.

19. Name three adjectives that exactly describe you.

I'm a very annoying combination of many different qualities but at least I am stubborn, mute and lazy.

20. In an interview Valo said that the only bisexual in the band was the guitarist (you). Is that true? If it is, when did you figure that out?

Once more he is trying to make us sound more interesting than we really are. Or maybe he is just trying to cover up for himself. He is a homosexual you see.

21. Do you ever check out heartagram.com or do you have anything to do with the website?

I don't have anything to do with the site. Everytime I check it out, nothing has changed.

22. Do you keep updated about what happens about HIM on internet?

Not really.

23. How would you describe the other members of HIM?

Gas is very energetic, social and youthful and he listens to a lot of heavy metal. Burton is a good cook, has great sense of humour and has his both feet firmly on the ground. Mige is the closest friend in the band for me, we agree on many things, he is also a very talented flatulist. Ville is the most difficult person I have ever met. Its hard to understand him sometimes. Despite all our differences he is a very dear friend to me.

24. What do you like most about yourself?

I think I have learned to separate bullshit from the real thing, mostly.

25. What do you think is your best quality and what is your worst habit?

I can mind my own business but I tend to postpone everything I can.

26. If HIM had never happened, what do you think you'd be doing right now?

I would be playing in some other band probably.

27. Who made your dreads?

Ville and Mige got them to a start and after that they have pretty much formed themselves.

28. Have you got some dream which has not come true yet? If so, what? (If you care to tell us)

I think I have been very lucky in my life. I feel like I'm living my dream all the time.

29. What things do you appreciate above all in your close friends?

Good friends are like therapists. They know how to listen. They are for real.

30. Is it true that you have gained weight or is it just an optical illusion?

I don't really monitor my weight so I might have gained some, I don't know.

31. What is your earliest childhood memory?

My mother singing "Sininen uni" to me.

32. Is there a quality you'd like to have, which you haven't got /anything you'd like to know how to do but don't know today?

I guess I should learn some small talk and I would also like to learn to play the piano.

33. Why he kisses with Mige ?

I don't understand what the fuss is all about. I experimented with that once but I didn't like it. I didn't use my tongue and I never tried it again. ; )

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